Train Your Mind
At the moment when you close your eyes, temporarily forget the various matters that occupy your mind.
How to Find Happiness
When your mind comes to an absolute standstill at the center of your body, no thought arises. Then, you will experience the brightness at the center of your body, it is the natural brightness of the pure mind.
Basic Meditation Technique Step #1
Start by adjusting your sitting position. If you sit on the floor, sit cross-legged, right leg over the left, right hand over the left hand, palms up, your right index finger gently touching your left thumb.
Overcoming a Crisis with a Calm Mind
Meditation will help us understand and come to terms with the loss of a loved one. With wisdom, we learn that loss is natural.
Transcending all differences
Meditation is a universal act that everyone in this world can do. All can practise it regardless of nationality, religion, or ethnicity. All one needs is a human body.
The Universal Sentiment Expressed
People may have external differences, but their innermost self is the same. It is the similarities that transcend their differences.
A Vessel of Knowledge
While we are all born with a mind and a body, and we live in a similar environment, haven’t we all wondered why there are so many differences in abilities and talents among people?
Basic Meditation Technique Step #2
Let everything go. Let your mind be joyful, relaxed and free from all worry. Then, breathe normally. Relax every muscle in your body. Start to relax from the top of your head down to your forehead.
Particular approach
I like the lotus flower. It seems to be the most beautiful flower for me. I have a lotus flower crafted from crystal with a clear crystal ball on the top.
The next Step for Meditation Practitioners
There are some drawbacks when practicing the Dhammakaya meditation technique, by consulting this meditation manual exclusively without a meditation master.