Core Value # 8 : We are endebted to our father
This eighth form of core value indicates that a child acknowledges his or her debt of gratitude to his father. The debt of gratitude a person has tovards their father is the same as that they have towards their mother, i.e,:
Blameless Work.
It sweat does not perspire, it will be trapped and changed into tears. Hence, after being born as a human, a person must work and place his hope in future generations.
Core Value # 7 : We are endebted to our mother
This seventh form of core value indicates that a person acknowledges hos or her debr of gratitude to his mother.
Giving Or Charity.
In reference to the uncomplicated and immidiate benefits of giving, these mertorious acts make our faith more firmly rooted and create greater opportunities to acquire more wisdom.
False Friendship 2: The Man of Empty Promises
We may wonder what behaviors are performed by the man of empty promises.
False Friendship 3: The Flatterer
Many times we might behave like that without knowing how evil we are. These poor behaviors certainly can cause us worry because nobody thinks that we are sincere in the long run.
What are the characteristics of a refined mind?
The refined mind is clear, bright, and free from defilements. To refine one’s mind is not easy because one has to work against the temptations thrown up by the mental defilements.
The Essence of Human Reformation
When we consider the subject of reforming human nature, the subject of this book, we mean the transformation process from the untrained to the well-trained mind.
Primitive Belief
People have to face a mixture of happiness and suffering throughout their lives. It is likely that the proportion of suffering usually exceeds happiness.
The Benefits of Merits
1. Cleanses and purifies our mind and speech 2. Brings happiness, progress and further advancements