The 3rd Dhammadayada Training for Ladies at Dhammakaya Boras Temple in Sweden
Dhammakaya Boras Temple in Sweden held the 3rd Dhammadayada Training for Ladies. Gender is not the obstacle of doing good deeds.
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Eye Birthmark
An audience has a daughter who has the right eye birthmark. What has caused her daughter to be like this?
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Women vs. Painful Periods
Questions from the audience:- Why does each woman have the different symptoms of painful periods? What has caused them to have the different symptoms?
Answer by Law of Kamma :- The Kidney Stones
Four members of an audience's family have the same disease. Which one? What has caused them to be sick of it?
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Cesarean Section
An audience did the Cesarean Section for 2 times to give birth her two daughters. She questioned what retribution casued some women to give birth their children like this.
Change the World in Johannesburg
The Dhamma light is shining in Johannesburg, South Africa, when the brothers in Christian School took their teachers and students to meditate at Dhammakaya Johannesburg Temple. It insists that meditation is not conflict with any religion at all.
Answer by Law of Kamma :- The government lottery
An audience's fater sells the government lottery. She concerns about what her father will get from selling the government lottery.
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Killing for Food for Sale
An audience kills the live animals for food for sale. She questions that what bad retributions she will get from this.
Answer by Law of Kamma :- My father is a drunk and poor
An audience questions that what caused her to have the drunken father and husband. They are poor as well.
Answer by Law of Kamma :- The Nightclub Singer
An audience has a husband who has a sideline as a nightclub singer. What will this job affect the singers?