Someone asked me: the objective of maintaining the 8 precepts is to be celibate. If he is able to maintain the third precept, the other subordinate precepts such as the sixth, seventh, and eighth precepts, he does not need to maintain those. Is this tru
Someone asked me: the objective of maintaining the 8 precepts is to be celibate. If he is able to maintain the third precept, the other subordinate precepts such as the sixth, seventh, and eighth precepts, he does not need to maintain those. Is this true?
What are Sila Vata (religious or monastic precepts)? How are they different from the 5 precepts?
I heard Luang Phaw talk about Sila Vata (religious or monastic precepts). What are they? How are they different from the 5 precepts?
Having a Good Network
People who have only material things in their lives without good friends or good people around them will not be completely secure and successful.
Most people think that white lying houldn’t be sinful. How can we explain it to them so that they can understand this correctly?
Most people think that lying to ease other’s feeling, as when a doctor conceal the truth from a severely ill patient in order to ease their mind, shouldn’t be sinful. How can we explain it to them so that they can understand this correctly?
Explanation about the Pali Cannon (Tipitaka) Project
Dhammakaya Temple would like to explain about the Pali-Cannon Project.
วัดพระธรรมกายเดนมาร์ก จัดปฏิบัติธรรมเมือง Lem
วัดพระธรรมกายเดนมาร์ก ประเทศเดนมาร์ก จัดปฏิบัติธรรมบ้านกัลยาณมิตร ณ เมือง Lem
Crossing The Realm
One woman has encountered lots of mystery stories in her life. She met the white water buffalo and the strange horse, called “Kwan”. She felt as if she traveled to the past. Are there stories real? DMC has the answers.
If there is a friend or relative who wishes to borrow money from us, how should we act?
If there is a friend or relative who wishes to borrow money from us, how should we act? If we don’t have anything to give, they will feel discouraged. If we lend them money often, we will be in distress.
In the circumstance that there might be false allegation made against us without any truth in it. How should we take it?
I would like to ask a question about the circumstance that there might be false allegation made against us without any truth in it. How should we take it?