How Do We Practice Responsibility?
Those four responsibilities (oneself, society, economy, and environment) are difficult to practice. Yet one who practices will have a peaceful mind.
Inner Peace Pioneer :- Change the World with Bright Minds
All of us want our world to be peaceful. Is it good if you can do it with happy mind? Read their stories and you may want to participate in this project. Let's come to change this world better and peaceful.
Buddha Images: The image of Faith
Thai souls are peaceful. The peace is natured in Thais since the break of dawn. The Lord Buddha taught all Buddhists to practice peaceful mind by three ways of merit cultivation-giving (alms), precepts and meditation; Thais take these ways of peaceful mind since the break of new day.
The Avoidance of Drinking Alcohol.
A human’s mind is something subtle, hardly to be seen and always immersed in cravings as follows:
Benefits of Meditation for Your Mind
I am a son in a Chinese family. My family owned a trading company. My family was never interested in Buddhism or meditation. We never went to any temple, never hung an amulet and never prayed at a spiritual shrine.
The Harm of Mental Defilements
The Lord Buddha stresses that the three categories of defilement: greed, hatred and delusion are like usurpers in the mind. They darken our minds and obstruct us from enlightenment.
Tibetan Healing Sound Instruments Mysteriously Alter Space, Mind, Time
The Benefits of Mixing with The Wise:
A person who keeps the company of wise ones has:1. A clear, bright mind and is able to perform good deeds