When Taiwanese Bhikkuni Teaches In A Prison
I am a Taiwanese Bhikkuni of Buddhism in Taiwan. I have been ordained for almost 30 years and have been teaching Dhamma to the prisoners who mostly are under a death sentence at the biggest jail in Taiwan for more than 20 years.
Cloistered Nun
The story of one lady who believed in Christian. When she was ordained in Christianity, I dedicated the merit to her father, did he receive it? What karmic retribution caused her to convert to Christian and later convert back to Buddhism? DMC has the answers.
why do people like to do bad deeds, even though they know that it is not good and how can we correct this?
I would like to ask you why people like to do bad deeds, even though they know that it is not good. And how can we correct this?
มูลนิธิ NIRVANA PEACE แห่งบังคลาเทศร้องนายกรัฐมนตรีอย่าให้เกิดความรุนแรงกรณีหลวงพ่อธัมมชโย
มูลนิธิ NIRVANA PEACE แห่งบังคลาเทศ ขอร้อง พล.อ.ประยุทธ์ นายกรัฐมนตรีอย่าให้เกิดความรุนแรงกรณีหลวงพ่อธัมมชโย
The Attainment of Nirvana
Nirvana is the place where suffering cannot access. It is above the rule of the Three Characteristics In that place there is no birth. Getting old, suffering from disease, death, or rebirth
My father does not believe that heavens and hells exist
Questions from an audience who has a lovely father. She wanted the suggestion about...
Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants (6-3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twenty:- Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants.
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: The Sermon#2
This last metaphor clearly illustrates how no benefit can be found by indulging in sensual pleasure
Overview #1
After the Enlightenment which transformed Siddhattha Gotama into the Lord Buddha beneath the Bodhi tree on the banks of the River Neranjara
The Ceremony of Offering Light and Monastic Bath Cloth on Asalha Puja Day