4 self เพื่อพัฒนาตนเอง
1. self Awareness รู้จักตนเอง มีความฝัน มีเป้าหมายชีวิตที่ชัดเจน 2. self Discipline มีวินัยในตนเอง 3. self Improvement การปรับปรุงตนสอนตนเองฝึกตนเอง ดูว่าตัวเราจะต้องพัฒนาในจุดใดบ้าง ต้องหาความรู้เพิ่มเติมตลอดเวลาในเรื่องที่เราต้องการจะพัฒนา...
Concepts for the instilling of Core Values
All that has been mentioned in the forgoing chapter are virtues which need to be instilled in the hearts of the people destined for self-improvement-because anyone with positive core values has the seeds of growing up into the sort of person for whom society is crying out.
Actions of a Fool:
Our parents, our first role-model: Both children and young adults will observe the actions of adults around them and naturally copy what they are shown
Overview : 2. The Path of Self-Mortification
According to the Buddha, the practice of self-mortification [attakilamathanuyoga] is fruitless
The ways to Recognize a Wise person:
A wise person will behave in the following ways: 1. They will support others to do the right thing and encourage them to reject negative habits e.g. smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs and stealing
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: The Sermon : 2. Self-Mortification [attakilamathanuyoga]
This is the practice of self-denial or self-mortification which is a non-Buddhist practice. It is one of many practices favoured by non-Buddhist ascetics such as Niganthas
Meditation improve physical and emotional responses to psychological stress
The Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering # 6
The Three Signs of Existence [tilakkhana] that are exhibited by all material things are impermanence [aniccam], suffering [dukkham] and not –self [anatta]
Self-Discipline in allocating one’s earnings
The Lord Buddha not only taught scrupulous ethics for earning a living, but also how earnings should be allocated so that one can live without financial problems
Ascetic Practice.
After having padded the 30 steps of life, we found that there are many bad habits such as improper manners we display that are is need of much improvement.