Some people have compared the Bodhisatta’s renunciation of his life and someone committing a suicide. Please explain how the two are different.
Could it be true for Prince Siddhattha to take seven steps immediately after he was born? How can we explain this phenomenon to a skeptic?
Buddhists today have wondered whether if it could be true for Prince Siddhattha to take seven steps immediately after he was born. How can we explain this phenomenon to a skeptic?
If You Do It, I Have To Do It, Too
Aunt Choop was the daughter of one of Luang Pu’s closest friends. She had the opportunity to help with the funeral for Luang Pu’s mother. She had always made desserts and offered the desserts and alms to Luang Pu. As soon as she learnt that Uncle Laum and Aunt La Aw would donate the land for the construction of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni, she promptly announced that, “ If you do it, I have to do it, too.” After Aunt Choop donated the land, she had been looking forward to the completion of the Memorial Hall.
Black Magic and Three Wives
One man got 3 wives. The first wife and the second one were suspicious that he was under a spell of black magic from the third wife so they coordinated together to find someone to help resolve the black magic. After he had passed away for 8 days, his third wife prepared a ceremony to receive Dhamma from Kuan Yin Goddess. They said, this ceremony was from the higher class in Taiwan, and it can powerfully dismiss the recipients name from hell.
More than You can Chew
When it comes to the subject of ‘merit’, there’s no such thing as ‘biting off more than you can chew’.
Extremely Poor
He found a biography of Luang Pu Wat Paknam printed in Chinese and asked his wife to try practicing meditation according to the instructions in the book. After 2 months, she went back to the hospital. It turned out that she no longer had cancer and her vertebral subluxation also disappeared. What kamma retribution caused her to have vertebral subluxation and breast cancer? What merit allowed her to receive help from Luang Pu to be cured without taking medication? DMC has the answeres
Phoenix Swan-Dragon
My mother saved up until she had a lot of money in a trust fund. Unfortunately, it seems like it was her kamma. That trust went bankrupt. My mother lost many millions of baht.
Iran-Thai Man Ordained and Cast Buddha Image
One Iran-Thai Man was easy to be raised, not naughty and had a good memory. After his parents got divorced, he stayed with his Iranian father. However, he chose to be ordained in Buddhism when he reached 21. He thinks that it is an opportunity to do good deeds for gratitude toward his parents, in which his father allowed willingly.
The Enlightenment of the Buddha’s First Disciple # 2
Furthermore, a large number of Brahmas were able to attain the fruit of “stream-entry” at the moment the Buddha completed his teaching of the Dhamacakkapavattana Sutta
Spirit Wants to Get Married
A good example of dedicated family, a man who studied major in law and had never believe in Law of Kammar finally changed his opinion after he heard a Dhamma teaching from Ven. Datta. Now, he quitted smoking and drinking and paid more attention on studying Buddhism. He and his wife lost a job during IMF period but now they owned a business. His daughter came to the temple since she was 3 years old and his son also loves to watch DMC.