What is Samsara
Core Value # 9 : Spontaneously arising beings exist
This ninth form of core value is acceptance of the existence of spontaneously arising beings-beings which arise not because of their parents but as the result of karmic action they have committed themselves in the past.
A Treasure that Cannot Be Bought
World peace through inner happiness is less costly than any war, and its result is more effective and enduring. Fighting a war requires an immense budget, equipment and the sacrifice of human lives.
Blameless work # 2
Unfortunately, working this way is not in favor with most young people because they are impatient
The Ghost Brushed Away
She was only 10 years old and her dad is polarized. All her sisters got married and stayed in a separated house. As a result, she was the only one taking care of her dad until he passes away. She likes to do a merit and always help other people before helping herself. What will be fruits of these merits that she has been doing?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Nineteen :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness.
When Merits Depleted, I Went Broke
Since he was born, his life was magnificent and comfortable. His family was ranked as a moderately wealthy family of Taoyuan, from selling alcohol and cigarettes. The comfort he received was a result of the destruction of others. What are the Karma of doing this? DMC has the answers.
A Person Should Cherish His Friends
The northern direction, or the left-hand direction, represents the relationships we have with others as a result of friendship i.e. our friends – but this also extends to more distant acquaintances that affect our lives and resources.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Having done good deeds in one's past (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness The second group of blessings Blessing Five:- Having done good deeds in one's past
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Knowledge (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The third group of blessings. Blessing Seven :- Artfulness in Knowledge