Center your mind softly, gently, lightly, and happily; with a clear and thought-free mind. While you are doing your daily chores; like brushing your teeth, washing your face, or cleaning your house.
We have to center our mind regularly and continuously.
Mahapavarana – Day of Resolutions
A beautiful and pure heart, analogous to a precious gem that others can appreciate through one’s speech and action, is one of the many outstanding characteristics of a sage that develops as a direct result of countless lifetimes accumulating and cultivating virtuous deeds. A sage is a pundit who consistently thinks wholesome thoughts, speaks wise words, and performs good deeds, thus earning adulation and respect of everyone.
Benefits of Meditation 1
Meditation is important to the lives of everyone, not least the life of the householder, family life and life in society – contributing to peace in the world.
Meditation Homework for Daily Life
The “10 Homework” is technique to the inner happiness, to the fruitful of meditation, to be beloved person.
Safeguarding Our Mind through Meditation
In our daily lives, an array of problems of varying degrees correlating to our family circumstance, profession, education, and responsibilities can arise.
Types and Methods of Meditation
Most people shy away from suffering and seek after happiness. Unfortunately the happiness that most people find gives only temporary relief from suffering – because it does not reach the roots of suffering or lead to permanent happiness.
Why Do Buddhists Visit the Temple?
More than 2,500 years ago, Lord Gotama Buddha renounced his lavish princely life to live as an ascetic in search of the ultimate spiritual liberation.
ยศย่อมเจริญแก่ผู้ขยัน มีสติ
ยศย่อมเจริญแก่ผู้ขยัน มีสติ มีการงานสะอาด ทำงานด้วยความรอบคอบระมัดระวัง เป็นอยู่โดยชอบธรรม ไม่ประมาท