Meditation Testimonials-Johannesburg South Africa
The peace starts with me as an individual. For every individual who comes to meditate and develops that peace It means ‘another’ individual who is out there who is forming part of what could have been eventually be a complete body of people
Meditation Testimonials : Ven. Pao Anubalo
A Lao monk from the 100,000-monk Mass Ordination in the Buddhist Lent Project unveiled his real meditation experience.
Meditation Testimonials Dr.Aaron Stern-Ph.D (U.S.A.)
Meditation helped me maintain my patience when handling the strain of a temper tantrum, a near sleepless night tending to a sick child and many other responsibilities associated with parenthood
Meditation Testimonials - Novice Thawan Buddharaksa
New Generation love Buddhism!!
Peace Revolution for Youth
Meditation Testimonials from the participants of Peace Revolution for Youth.
What do the blinds see during this training?
The real experiences of the blind women in the 1,000,000–Laywoman Mass Training Project. What do the blinds see during this training?
12 Prestigious Telly Awards
DMC was honored with 12 prestigious 28th Annual Telly Awards Winners
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 3
The mechanism of overcoming suffering requires the practitioner completely to uproot craving from the mind by transcendental extinction