Parents Should Cherish Children
I believe that many parents always want to cherish their children. No matter how good or how bad they are, they are your own flesh and blood. They actually are pure when they are born.
The Four Important Roles Parents Must Play in Raising Good Children
All parents wish bright futures for their children. They want to raise well-behaved, respectful and moral children whose comport will help them advance far in society
Buddhist street racer admits guilt after Burton crash
How to have the underlings’ love?
I have my own business, I have to take care of many employees. I’d like to ask Luang Phaw what I shall do to have the underlings’ love.
I have a meditation room in my factory for the employees to chant and meditate. How can I make them more interested in Dhamma than the present time?
I have a meditation room in my factory for the employees to chant and meditate. Do you have any method to make them more interested in Dhamma than the present time?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Three :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect
How does an old tradition of Thai society that urges children to prostrate themselves at their parents’ feet before going to bed help develop children’s virtue?
I’d like to ask you about an old tradition of Thai society that urges children to prostrate themselves at their parents’ feet before going to bed. How does this tradition help develop children’s virtue? If the people of the present time would like to reintroduce that tradition, where can they begin?
Buddhist News from Thai Rath Press
Two Buddhist News from Thai Rath Press.
Since there are a lot of collisions that break our society. What can we do to give unity back to our nation?
Five rooms which affect your habit :- Bedroom
Five room which affect your habit. The valuable teaching from the Most Ven. Phrabhavanaviriyakhun (Dattajivo Bhikkhu), the vice abbot of Dhammakaya Temple.