I Cried Like an Owl
One lady grew up in the family that had lots of conflict. Her grandfather always got drunk and pushed her grandmother who was 8-9 month pregnant down the stair. Her parents always argued with each others and her mom was often abused. She tried to commit suicide when she was 11. Fortunately, her life started changing once she knew the Dhammakaya Temple.
He watched a special report in DMC about the closedown of a cock-fight gambling den in Saraburi province. This made he think of his father who liked to collect the Buddha images, gambled cock-fight and watched Thai-boxing because his dad was a boxer. What retributions caused his father to be sick and went in and out of the hospital for 5 years? What retributions caused him to have eye surgery, cirrhosis, vomit blood-clots, hiccup with the sound “cock-a-doodle-doo”, and difficulty in eating and drinking water?
In the case where the judge sentences the murderer to death, but does not execute the culprit him/herself, is s/he regarded as violating the first precept him/herself?
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes and that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes does not go against the third Buddhist precept, which is to avoid adultery. This is because they feel that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
A Man Who Violated His Daughter and Another Relative of the Same Blood Line
Why was my father a womanizer habitually and why did he commit adultery with the persons in his family? After he dies what kind of kammic retribution will he suffer from? If he was to come back to be reborn again how will he pay back his kammic retribution in the next life? In this life how can my father resolve this?
Forced to Marry
Chinese only wanted sons and grandsons to carry on the family’s name. They stuffed ashes into daughters' mouth and left them to die. What kamma caused her mother’s sisters to be killed at birth like this? What merit saved her mom from being killed? What bad result will the murderer receive? DMC has the answers.
Prepared Coffin Ready To Use But The Dead Body Breathed Again
While my mother was sobbing from his departure, there was a miracle that happened. One hour after his death, he opened his eyes and breathed again.
Good Bye, My Hometown
My employers liked to go to temples and they had very kind hearts.I had a chance to learn about the law of Karma and the truth of life because here DMC was on most of the day. Dhamma teachings were heard through the whole house including the morning and evening chanting and the Cetiya’s homage paying.