The garage owner escapes from sins by joining the ordination
The real man has to be ordained at least one Buddhist Lent. One of the monks in the mass ordination projects unveiled his profile and inner experience.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Raising our children (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twelve :- Raising our children.
How to Meditate
Let’s give ourselves a try. Firstly we must know the real nature of the mind. It is bright, clear and in the sphere form like a tiny crystal ball. Normally, the mind
Meditation Testimonials Dr.Aaron Stern-Ph.D (U.S.A.)
Meditation helped me maintain my patience when handling the strain of a temper tantrum, a near sleepless night tending to a sick child and many other responsibilities associated with parenthood
True Happiness along the Middle way
Every person in the world desires happiness, hates suffering, and hopes to find true fulfillment. But billions of people have yet to learn the nature of true happiness.
How to Find Happiness
When your mind comes to an absolute standstill at the center of your body, no thought arises. Then, you will experience the brightness at the center of your body, it is the natural brightness of the pure mind.
Basic Meditation Technique Step #3
Now, bring your mind to focus to the center of your body, in the middle of your abdomen, two finger widths above the navel level.
No happiness other than serenity of the mind
Today, think of the phrase “ Naddhi Santi Parang Sukhang ” : there is no happiness beyond serenity of the mind. Such are the words of every Buddha in the past, present, and future.
Learning Meditation
Learning Meditation : Sit upright with your right leg on your left leg. Place your right hand on your left hand. Let your right index touch your left thumb