Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta : The Sermon : The Dhammacakka : Transport to Nirvana
The word ‘cakka’ means a ‘wheel’ a wheel in just the same way as a cartwheel or a car wheel
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: The Sermon
Something which you will find at the beginning of every sutta are Ananda’s words ‘Euam me sutam…’: i.e. ‘Thus have I heard (directly from the Lord Buddha)
Fruits of Merit
This benefit takes effects very quickly. Once we do good things, our mind becomes purer. We do not have to wait until the next life, but it occurs in our mind instantly.
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: The Sermon : 2. Self-Mortification [attakilamathanuyoga]
This is the practice of self-denial or self-mortification which is a non-Buddhist practice. It is one of many practices favoured by non-Buddhist ascetics such as Niganthas
Examples of the outcome of Merit:
1. A long life because one did not kill in the past 2. Freedom from illness because one did not treat animals badly or cause them distress
Overview : 1. The Path of Sensual Indulgence
The path of sensual pleasure [kamasukhallikanuyogal, is to seek for pleasures through the channels of the five outer senses: eyes, ears, nose, mouth and physical contact
Good Deeds from the Past
“If a fruit has an exquisite taste, that taste is something which it has brought with it from the seed
How to live in a Suitable Environment:
Choose a location that is appropriate and thriving. It should be easy to find good schools, appropriate employment and a good location for building a house and so on
There are two types of a wise:
The external wise one is an individual who behaves well, follows strong moral and ethical principles and uses their wisdom in everyday life.
Way to Mix with The Wise:
To learn the maximum about good and bad from such good influences, we should look for opportunities to associate with them