How I Proceeded
I use the mantra ‘Samma Arahang’ (which means ‘purify the mind’) repeating silently three times at each key point, until resting my mind at the seventh base.
How to Manage Family Life #1
The practice of regulation one’s emotions prior to getting married is an important foundation of maintaining a marriage
The Peaceful Mind-Beginning of the Peaceful World
This phrase is short and clear, but how many people will realize how important it is and apply it in their lives? The words “clean the world” in this phrase certainly include not only cleaning tangible things (removing pollutants, wastes, etc.) but also cleaning intangible things (eliminating hatred, greed, etc.).
Raising our Children # 2
Teach your child to be established in virtue. Parents must put emphasis in the development of the child’s mind because the mind is the center of all action.
Our Only Real Belongings
There are only two things that really belong to us.One is our mind and the other is the point inside us which is home to the mind.
The Noble Eightfold Path on the Mundane Level # 7
This form of mindfulness is mindfulness that is constantly monitoring the level of wholesomeness in the mind never letting wholesomeness slip away from the mind and its intentions
The Noble Truth of Suffering :10. Exposure to hateful things
The Buddha characterized this form of suffering as the sort of cloudedness of mind, grief and melancholy which result from cloudedness of mind
Clear the mind with Buddhist Meditation
Searching for the Truth
In the Pali language, 'natthi santiparam sukham' means 'there is no happiness other than the peace of mind'
Benefits of Meditation for Your Mind #2
I can truly say that I could pass through that difficult time successfully because of meditation. At the time of troubles, I was so distraught because I faced problems in every direction I faced problems in every direction I was so distraught because I faxed problems in every direction I turned.