The Great Chancellor Episode 1
The true story of the merit-making process of the head of teaching monks in the last Buddha Aeon. What does it concern with the Great Chancellor?
The Four Noble Truths#1
Each country in the world has a constitution as the blueprint for the rest of the laws of the country to expand upon. Similarly, every religion has the teaching which is the blueprint of all the rest of them
The Blissful Mind
Once those who are chained in prison are free from the confinements, They will be free and happy. Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana and are free from all defilements, Will have a blissful mind just like those
A Mind Invulnerable to Worldly Vicissitudes
The mind that is afraid or disappointed by Worldly Vicissitudes is worrisome that is might encounter something unpleasant or something that it is afraid of
The Practice of Austerities#2
Restraint of the senses is to be calm and take control over your mind and soul using your consciousness. How do you compose yourself? Let us focus on the following
Qualifications of Good Children#1
Once parents realize the answers, they will have a standard with which to raise children
Gratitude # 2
It is difficult for a person to have the right thought to persistently cultivate good deeds and virtues for themselves
Patience # 1
The word patience came from “kunti”, which means you can still maintain your normal life with the conflict of desirable and undesirable things
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 5
What is the true meaning of ‘insight’ [vipassana] meditation? In fact insight is insightful vision or seeing things according to their true nature, seeing them thoroughly from every perspective.
Not Leaving One’s Work Undone
The nature of dung on the tail of a pig is to accumulate with the passing of the days, making it increasingly difficult for the pig to find happiness in its daily life